Current Hours: Wednesday-Friday 12 pm - 10:00 pm
Please note: For the most up-to-date hours see our calendar. We are not in service over campus holidays and breaks.
Call 1-855-817-5667
Dial 711 for TTY relay services
Student, staff, or faculty is having a mental/behavioral health crisis
There are no immediate safety risks
The situation is urgent, but not emergent (life threatening)
Mental health and substance use related issues
Campus Mobile Crisis Response responds to non-violent calls of students, faculty and staff experiencing a mental or behavioral health crisis on campus:
collapse all expand allServices Campus Mobile Crisis Response provides:
- Crisis de-escalation, intervention and assessment:
- Clinical Mental Health Assessment
- 5150 Evaluation (If applicable) - Support or coordinate for medical services as needed
- On-Campus (for students) and Off-Campus Referrals
- Welfare checks as needed from UHS mental health staff, UCPD (mental health related), Center for Support and Intervention (CSI) and Residential Life
- Urgent support services following a crisis or a significant event.
For any of the concerns listed below, call 911 or UCPD Emergency: (510) 642-3333 or Non-Emergency: (510) 642-6760.
Campus Mobile Crisis Response does not respond to the situations or events below:
Active violence
Active suicide attempt
Active self-injury with a weapon
Domestic violence
Brandishing a Weapon
Weapon Present (non-lethal)
Medical Call
Active Fire/Hazardous Material
Active Drug/Alcohol Use
Active Shooter